IYAR [IYYAR] 5: YOM HA’ATZMAUT [ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY since 14th May 1948/IYAR 5] – *2022 Updated Prophetic Teaching… Written and In Audios* 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING and PRAYING FOR THE HOLY LAND, ISRAEL 🕎 and HEBREW PEOPLE FROM THE CREATOR, YAH’S PERSPECTIVE (and not ha satan’s viewpoint)!!! *It is not a Race (skin colour), etc issue but rather a SALVATION [YAHUSHUA] matter as per Romans 11 & Acts 1:8; etc!* 3. Genesis 1 and THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL 🇮🇱 🕎! 4. HEALING/RESTORATION SEASON [Month of Iyar]! 5. Do Not Join the devil as the accuser of the breathen within YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S BODY including ISRAEL 🕎! LEARN FROM Prophets Hushua [a.k.a Hosea]; Amos and YeshaYAHU [a.k.a Isaiah]! 6. Do Not Encourage or Support The Dividing Up of THE HOLY LAND, ISRAEL 🕎 so that you Do Not Attract YAH’S JUDGEMENT! 7. THE COLOUR BLUE! – [Genesis 3; 25:22-24; Matthew 24:1-2; 7:13-14; 2 Esdras 7; The Legends of The Jews; The Second Book of Adam and Eve; The Cave of Treasures; Book of The Jasher/Upright or Just Man; Revelation 7; 12; 14; Matthew 25:1-13; etc] – Thursday 5th May 2022/IYAR [IYYAR] 4
SHALOM, AUDIOS AUDIO Recording 403: PT1 – ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE INTRO [05-05-2022/Iyar 4] Recording_403_PT1__ISRAEL_INDEPENDENCE_IDownload AUDIO Recording 404: PT2: ISRAELI ANTHEM; Calrificatio…