9th September = 09/09: 🕎The Birthday Anniversary OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [a.k.a JESUS CHRIST] on The Roman Gregorian Calendar and 🕎The Birthday Anniversary of [YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH] THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE MINISTRY In The Spiritual Realm! Various Crucial Information Shared Including YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Is The 9TH KING/RULER Of The Earth Since Creation, HalleluYAH! Who Are The 8 Major Rulers/Kings Of The Earth? [Jeremiah 33:3] …Saturday 9th September 2023/ELUL 23

SHALOM Brethren in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH[a.k.a JESUS CHRIST; Not YeshaYAHU! ; Not Yeshua!] , we are 2 days away from THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST DAY OF CREATION as per Genesis 1 which is ELUL 25, HalleluYAH!

We are also 7 days away from ROSH HA SHANAH/HEAD OF THE YEAR, hurray!

Saturday 9th September 2023/ELUL 23

*Happy Birthday*
🕎To [YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH] THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE MINISTRY since 09-09-2001 in the Spiritual Realm and 17-04-2017 online with our FOUNDATION HOLY SCRIPTURES being ➡️Psalm 118:22; ➡️Genesis 50:20; ➡️1 Peter 2; ➡️Matthew 28:18-20
🕎To YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [a.k.a JESUS CHRIST; not YeshaYAHU! ; not Yeshua!], THE 9TH KING – ➡️Luke 2 – as per Prophetic Vision given to Sister [Prophet] Kerry-Ann Gidden (🎥https://youtu.be/pSdiRUS2zz4)

Today, 09-09 is a Very Special Day on the Roman Gregorian Calendar for this MINISTRY called [YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH] THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE because it was birthed and revealed to me [Pastor (Brother) Ade Israel G in the Spiritual Realm on this very day 09-09-2001 which is over 10 years ago with many TESTIMONIES over the years, HalleluYAH HalleluYAH HalleluYAH!

For now, this MINISTRY is online only (website and social media) teaching mostly through written and audio materials, however in the not-so-distant future, there will be regular face-to-face Fellowship as led by RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT. as there is still some work to do before The Coming GREAT, DREADFUL and TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] SHADDAI.

We in this MINISTRY are very grateful to YAH SHADDAI for HIS MERCY and GRACE which has upheld us all this while.

*We also praise YAH SHADDAI for HIS DIVINE REVELATION on THE BIRTHDAY OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on the Roman Gregorian Calendar because it is a confirmation that 25th December is a SCAM set up by the Babylonians (Rome and the Vatican through Roman Catholic Church).* 25th December is the birthday of Tammuz who is the sun god reborn after Nimrod, the first sun god had passed. The interesting thing is that Esau partook in Nimrod’s death and it is the same Esau (Rome and The Vatican) who promotes sun worship today as a form of opposition to ISRAEL’S Promotion of WORSHIPPING THE ONE TRUE GOD!!!

*Also, isn’t it interesting that the date 9/11 is so close to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Birthday, 09/09???*

So, on the Roman Gregorian Calendar, as per 🕎Daniel 7:25 YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born on 9th September [09-09] while *on the HEBREW CALENDAR as per 🕎Genesis 1 and 🕎Exodus 12:1-2, HE was born on Tishrei 15 which is The First Day Of THE HOLY APPOINTED TIME a.k.a FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES and INGATHERING [SUKKOT/SUCCOTH].* This is coming up soon. This year, Tishrei 15 falls on sunset Friday 29th to sunset Saturday 30th September 2023. SUKKOT/TABERNACLES [🕎Leviticus 23] ends at sunset on Friday 6th October 2023.

*Also, Remember that YAHUchanan [John] The Immerser a.k.a Baptist was born 7 months [🕎Luke 1; 🕎The SUPERGOSPE: A HARMONY OF GOSPELS] before YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Birth,* that is to say around April time of the year on the Roman Gregorian Calendar and NISAN/AVIV 15, the Second Day of THE HOLY APPOINTED TIME a.k.a FESTIVAL OF PASSOVER [PESACH] and simultaneously the First Day Of The HOLY APPOINTED TIME a.k.a FESTIVAL OF UNLEAVENED BREAD [CHAG HA MATZOT]!

John The Immerser was the 3rd Person to come in the ANOINTING Of Prophet Elijah and Elijah’s appearance is to be expect every PASSOVER/PESACH as well as SHABBAT and CIRCUMCISION and COMING OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to the earth!

*YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Birth in the earthly realm was the fulfillment of THE GREAT 5, 1/2 Day Prophecy given by HIM, the Second Adam to the First Adam shortly after the fall of man as per 🕎Genesis 3 and 🕎The First Book Of Adam and Eve Chapter 3.*

According to the 7 Attributes of YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] which tend to be highlighted and we tend to delve into during the 7 Weeks from PASSOVER to SHAVU’OT [WEEKS] PENTECOST as well as according to THE BOOK OF THE CAVE OF TREASURES, *YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born on the 6th Day of the week, that is to say, a Friday just like Adam was in the beginning of time as per 🕎Genesis 1:26-31.*


*🕎Matthew 24:36 King James Version
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of HEAVEN, but MY FATHER only.*

*When it comes to ROSH HA SHANAH/HEAD OF THE YEAR a.k.a YOM TERUAH a.k.a NEW YEAR’S DAY, the 6th Day the week is a SABBATH – a HIGH SABBATH as on this day!* This is Day 1 of THE DAY THAT NO MAN KNOWS [Matthew 24:36]! *It is also DAY 1 OF THE JUDGEMENT SEASON [Tishrei 1 – 23 ]!* For on this day, Adam having been breathed HOLY SPIRIT into by YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] after completion of the making of his flesh, *Adam was taken to THE HEAVENS/SHAMMAYIM where YAHUVEH sat Adam on HIS THRONE and thus commanded all the HOLY Angels to bow down and worship him, Adam.* This is when the Lucifer rebelled against YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] and Isaiah 12:12-14 and Revelation 12:4-10 occurred. This is recorded in 🕎THE GOSPEL OF BARTHOLOMEW as well as various other LOST BOOKS OF THE HOLY BIBLICAL SCRIPTURES.

Adam also sinned on the 6th Day of the week!

Also, Note how THE COUNTING OF THE OMER/The 7 Weeks from PASSOVER/PESACH To SHAVU’OT[WEEKS] PENTECOST [Leviticus 23] began on the 6th Day of the Week during The Year of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection. This is a FIRSTFRUITS Season and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is The FIRSTFRUIT Of Creation.

🕎1 Corinthians 15:19-21 King James Version
19 If in this life only we have hope in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH a.k.a JESUS CHRIST, we are of all men most miserable.

*20 But now is YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH a.k.a JESUS CHRIST risen from the dead, and become the the FIRSTFRUITS of them that slept.*

21 For since by man came death, by man came also the RESURRECTION of the dead.

Why say this?
Due to the fact that it is THE HOLY CATCHING AWAY (a.k.a RAPTURE) DAY as per 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and Matthew 24:36 and Luke 21:36.

🕎Luke 21:36 King James Version
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON OF YAH (not man!!!).

*YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born in the year 5,500 and lived for 33 years . Adam was formed around the year 3,000 and lived for 930 years.* Adam gave 70 years of his to King David as David is a crucial figure in BIBLICAL HISTORY for through his lineage, THE SECOND ADAM would come. This is also why Moshe was not given the task to war against the Moabites close to his death. *His assignment was to the Midianites as he was related to them through his wife, Zipporah, children, Gershom and Eliezer plus Father-in-law, Yitro a.k.a Jethro/Reul.*
This was because of Ruth who would come through them and eventually bring forth David through Abel and Jesse. *Once David arrived, he had the assignment to war against the Moabites.* He was incited against the Moabites when they killed all his family members including his father, Jesse who had lived for about 400 years as well as his mother, Nitzevet bat Adael;
grandmother, Ruth; etc. David had entrusted them to the Moabite King for safety and security from King Shaul a.k.a Saul while he was on the run from King Shaul with the belief that they were kinsmen through Ruth and thus they were to look out for each other however, the King of Moabite paid David with evil, sadly. David was 28 when he was anointed by Prophet Shemu’EL/Samuel as King over Israel, therefore he lost his family members within between age 28 and 30. David became king at age 30.

🕎1 Corinthians 15:45-47 King James Version
*45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.*

46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the LORD from HEAVEN.

After THE GREAT FLOOD of Noach’s time on earth as per 🕎Genesis 7-9 and upon Noach’s death, *Adam’s body which had been preserved by YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] for several years was buried by Shem [who later became Melchizedek] at Golgotha, The Place Of The Skull (also the burial place of Goliath’s head) which is where THE SECOND ADAM who is YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was crucified by the Romans (Esau).* This is also the location for Prophet YeremYAHU/Jeremiah’s Grotto and where THE ARK OF THE COVENANT was buried for several years until Archaelogist Ron Wyatt Prophetically and Archaelogically found it in the 1990s.

🎥Video : Original Ron Wyatt Ark of the Covenant Discovery with Extras

While still on this subject, it is worth noting that 9 is an inverted 6 and 6 is a number which is also linked to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as HE is THE SECOND ADAM and was born in the earthly realm on the 6th Day of the Week.
The 6th HEBREW Letter and with the Numeric Value 6 is VAV a.k.a WAW. It is a CONNECTING LETTER just as the word, “and” is in the English language. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is THE RESTORED VAV a.k.a WAW while Adam is the Broken Vav a.k.a Waw, *then comes Barrack Hussein Obama the Man of Sin/Perdition/LAWlessness/TORAHlessness whose number is 666 but he is the complete opposite of the First Adam and the Second Adam though he calls himself the “Black Adam”.*

🎥Video Black Adam trailer

This movie is all about the Anti-Messiah a.k.a Anti-Christ, Barrack Hussein Obama because he will mirror YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH in many ways except the RESURRECTION from death. 🕎The History Of Joseph The Carpenter [and Earthly Father Of JESUS CHRIST] as well as 🕎The Apocalypse of Elijah reveal Prophetically that Prophet Elijah the Tishbite will return to the earth along with Enoch, Aquilla and Tabitha/Dorcas to expose Obama, 3 days before YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Second Coming To The Earth to reign and rule, HalleluYAH HalleluYAH HalleluYAH!

IT IS ALL ABOUT YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Life is all about YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Without HIM, we are nothing and can accomplish nothing. *Yes, those with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and those who have rejected YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH may seem to have it all and doing far better than the believers in and followers of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, however everything they are or seem to be enjoying is only in this world. There will be no enjoyment for them in eternity and in the next world* – THE HOLY WORLD OF ISRAEL which is also THE MESSIANIC KINGDOM WORLD, HalleluYAH HalleluYAH HalleluYAH! So, there is no need to admire them. At the same time, we are to continually look up to THE LORD YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] SHADDAI for life improvement.

🕎Matthew 6:21 King James Version
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

So, as we celebrate YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Birthday on the Roman Gregorian Calendar and The Birth Of [YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH] THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE MINISTRY in the Spiritual Realm today, 09-09, *we pray that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH will continually be THE LORD of our lives and that HE will turn every rejection in our lives into DIVINE FAVOUR as per Psalm 118:22 and 1 Peter 2 as well as beautify our lives, in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME and BLOOD, AHMEN!*

In this Season [ELUL] of “THE KING IS IN THE FIELD”, may YAH SHADDAI purify and beautify our lives and enable us to work THE GREAT END TIME HARVEST while bearing many GOOD FRUIT for HIM, in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME and BLOOD, AHMEN!

Keep us in your prayers…

🕎Numbers 6:22-27; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 3:20-21; Jude 24-25

We may record Audios and share in line with this.


Pastor Ade Israel and Sister Perpetua Mirembe/Shulamit George


Saturday 9th September 2023/ELUL 23


It is interesting that Sister [Prophet] Kerry-Ann Gidden was given a DIVINE REVELATION on YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Birthday on the Roman Gregorian Calendar as the 9th of September = 09-09!😯🤔

Video: I KNOW THE EXACT DATE OF THE MESSIAH’S BIRTHDAY! I am so humbled. Watch/Share.

Well, YAHUVEH [YAHWEH] made us to understand some years back that there are altogether 9 Major Kings/Rulers on the earth from the beginning of Creation to the WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT DAY mentioned in 🕎Revelation 20.

The 1st one, 5th and 6th/8th kings/rulers have been revealed as:
⚠️Nimrod the Mighty Hunter of 🕎Genesis 10;
⚠️Adolf Hitler of The Third Reich


⚠️Barrack Hussein Obama [Luke 10:18; Revelation 17:9-10; 2 Thessalonians 2; Daniel 11:36-37; etc].

We are investigating the rest. Nevertheless through a message shared by Delores Cannon on what Nostradamus revealed about the Anti-Christ, we get to understand that:

⚠️Napoleon was one of the other major kings/rulers of the earth.

🎥Video: STRANGE! What do you think? Please Share Your Thoughts…

Other major King/Ruler who are coming to mind are:

⚠️King Nebuchadnezzar [🕎Book of Jeremiah]

⚠️King Antiochus IV Epiphanes [🕎The Book 1-4 Of The Maccabees]


⚠️Vespasian The Destroyer [🕎The Antiquities Of The Jews by Flavuis Josephus]

You see, it is all about “Babylon” or “Babylonia” which has its roots in 🕎Genesis 6 and 11. As long as this evil world of Esau exists, it is all about promoting Babylonia. So, the 8 Kings/Rulers of the earth are Babylonian and Babylon promoters.

Note that the 8 kings mentioned in 🕎Revelation 17 are all American Presidents as well as Rome and The Vatican Popes. These kings, many of which, if not all are demons/fallen angels/aliens incarnate, are in fact Babylonians and Babylon (sun worship, wickedness, etc) promoters.

So, for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to be born on the 9th of September is very Prophetic as it speaks of HIS KINGSHIP on earth in the future WORLD OF ISRAEL as per 🕎Revelation 20; etc. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Reign on earth will run from the Hebrew Year 7,000 To the Hebrew Year 8,000 according to 🕎THE BOOK OF THE SECRETS OF ENOCH and 🕎THE LEGENDS OF THE JEWS.

The Number 9 in YAH’S KINGDOM speaks of RIPENESS and BRINGING FORTH THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB! The 9th HEBREW Letter with The Numeric Value is TET(H) which implies GOOD/BEST and Evil.

What does the TET mean in Hebrew?
The TET is the initial letter of the word TOV, “GOOD.” The form of the TET is “inverted,” thus symbolizing hidden, inverted good–as expressed in the Zohar: “its good is hidden within it.” The form of the letter CHET symbolizes the union of groom and bride consummating with conception.

So, Tis the Season [ELUL and TISHREI] to celebrate THE 9TH KING/RULER OF THE EARTH whose KINGDOM is forever and ever, HalleluYAH HalleluYAH HalleluYAH!

Remember that on ROSH HA SHANAH/HEAD OF THE YEAR, we crown:

Join us as we sing the following Season appropriate Worship Song:

🎥Video: MOG Music – BE LIFTED


🕎Numbers 6:22-27; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 3:20-21; Jude 24-25

Pastor Ade Israel and Sister Perpetua Mirembe/Shulamit George