THE TWO TREES IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, IN RELATION TO THE 10 × 4 DAYS OF FASTING & SELICHOT as per Exodus 34 & Matthew 4! Dealing With Bitterness and Unforgiveness! THE SECOND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as per Matthew 22:36-40 [August/September 2021]


NOTICE THAT THE 40 DAYS OF FASTING & SELICHOT are Split into 4 SETS OF 10 days as per Exodus 34 & Matthew 4! Why? 🤔

There is a purpose for this. IT IS TO POINT US TO THE 10 COMMANDMENTS for these are THE BASIS OF CREATION [Genesis 1]!

Some further useful information:

1. The TWO TREES (Tree of Life; Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil)

2. The TREES mentioned in the Holy Biblical Scriptures

3. Daniel 4: Spiritual Significance (Oak Trees/Tu B’Shevat & The Anti-Messiah)