TORAH & The Gentiles



NOTE: THE TORAH IS FOR EVERYONE WHETHER JEW OR GENTILE. In addition, If you have accepted YAHUSHUA (a.k.a JESUS / YESHUA) as MESSIYAH or PERSONAL SAVIOUR and daily lovingly obediently follow HIM, then You are a member of the house of Israel, because you were grafted in. Read all of Romans chapter 11, especially v.16-21. All of the covenants made with Israel are yours through the Blood of YAHUSHUA.

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The original word in the HOLY SCRIPTURES is not LAW but rather TORAH!


The right word is TORAH (not Law as written by the Greek / Latin translators).

Try reading GALATIANS 1-5 in the COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE and/or ORTHODOX JEWISH BIBLE VERSIONS? The word in the HEBREW is TORAH which means INSTRUCTION (not Law as translated by the Greeks and Latins)!!! The word LAW tends to have negative connotations to it whereas the word TORAH has POSITIVE CONNOTATIONS to it.

TORAH is YAH’S LOVING GUIDLINES to get through this WILDERNESS called earth!!! We need to follow them as well as believe in YAHUSHUA and HIS BLOOD SACRIFICE in order to please HIM as HIS Followers!

According to Exodus 20, The TORAH is a SEAL upon YAH’S People therefore LOVINGLY OBEDIENT (not Legalistic) to it is crucial as it SETS APART!!!

If you have accepted YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH, then you are either HIS BRIDE or GUEST. As your BOSS, HE will have SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS / GUIDELINES set out for you for your CONDUCT in public and in private. This in earthly terms is a CONTRACT with a CODE OF CONDUCT!!! The GUIDELINES do not save your from being bad or in this case, the power of sin and death but rather they help you to think about OVERCOMING BEING A SHAMEFUL BRIDE OR GUEST / SERVANT! They help to SHAPE YOUR SPIRITUAL CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY TO BE MORE LIKE YAHUSHUA, your BOSS! They are partly the answer to Romans 12 concerning BEING A LIVING SACRIFICE UNTO YAH!!! They help us to BEAR GOOD FRUIT FOR YAH (Galatians 5:22-23; John 15). We are expected to take GOOD SPIRITUAL as well as PHYSICAL FRUIT to HEAVEN. It’s about what we sow and how we sow it at this present time on earth. Remember always read from a HEBREW PERSPECTIVE which is YAH’S PERSPECTIVE (not Greek / Latin Perspective which is full of all kinds of paganism unto YAH, misleading words, altered words and missing words. LOVING OBEDIENCE TO YAH’S TORAH together RUACH HA KODESH PRESENCE is our SEAL as faithful followers of YAHUSHUA!!! If you have accepted YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH, then you are either HIS BRIDE or GUEST. As your BOSS, HE will have SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS / GUIDELINES set out for you for your CONDUCT in public and in private. This in earthly terms is a CONTRACT with a CODE OF CONDUCT!!! The GUIDELINES do not save your from being bad or in this case, the power of sin and death but rather they help you to think about OVERCOMING BEING A SHAMEFUL BRIDE OR GUEST / SERVANT! They help to SHAPE YOUR SPIRITUAL CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY TO BE MORE LIKE YAHUSHUA, your BOSS! They are partly the answer to Romans 12 concerning BEING A LIVING SACRIFICE UNTO YAH!!! The COMMANDMENTS (within the First Five Books of Moses) help us to BEAR GOOD FRUIT FOR YAH (Galatians 5:22-23; John 15). We are expected to take GOOD SPIRITUAL as well as PHYSICAL FRUIT to HEAVEN. It’s about what we sow and how we sow it at this present time on earth.


More information on this can be found in our teaching called “BE YE HOLY AS I AM HOLY”. as well as TORAH STUDY.


Please click on the link below to read a very crucially beneficial article to understanding the TORAH and the GENTILES.



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