“INFANT NAMING, DEDICATION & later BAR/BAT MITZVAH” or “Infant Baptism & later Confirmation”?


During the Feast of CHANUKAH/HANUKKAH (a.k.a Feast of Dedication & Lights), it is perfect timing to learn more about BAPTISM and DEDICATION.


Remember that the Hebrew word “CHANUKAH/HANUKKAH” means DEDICATION and the Hebrew name “CHANOCK” (a.k.a Enoch) means DEDICATED.


Chanock clearly led a life fully dedicated unto YAH Almighty! We are to do exactly the same.


So, according to YAH Almighty, what is required of us, “INFANT NAMING & DEDICATION” or “Infant Baptism & later Confirmation”?


Let us look at how baptism is defined by those who came up with its idea on earth:

The Catholic Sacrament of BaptismBaptism is theone sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common. In the Catholic Church, infants arebaptized to welcome them into the Catholic faith and to free them from the original sin they were born with. … Baptism can be regarded as a vaccine against sin.


Is this what the Holy Biblical Scriptures say?

To the Catholic Church, original sin isn’t a personal sin of the unborn, but a sin transmitted from generation to generation by birth. All men and women are born with original sin, and only Baptism can wash it away. Baptism can be regarded as a vaccine against sin.


Baptisms in the Catholic Church usually take place on Sundays, during the parish Mass or in the early afternoon after all the Masses are over. In most cases, the parish priest or deacon administers the sacrament, anointing the person being baptized with oils, and pouring blessed water over the child or adult’s head not just once but three times.


In the eyes of the Catholic Church, any Baptism that uses water and the invocation of the Holy Trinity, as in “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” is a valid sacrament. So if a follower of a Christian church that performs Baptism to these standards wants to become Catholic, he doesn’t have to be re-baptized.


A person being baptized in the Catholic Church is expected to dress in white to symbolize purity of faith and the cleansing power of Baptism. The white garment symbolizes the white garments Jesus wore when he was placed in the tomb after his death on Good Friday. An infant may wear a baptismal gown handed down for generations; an adult typically puts on a full-length white gown known as an alb.


The baptism ritual is a participatory one, with all attendees rejecting Satan and professing their faith, with parents and of an infant and the godparents and immediate family members of the person being baptized being a bit more involved.

Like the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of Holy Orders, as a Catholic, you’re baptized just once. These three sacraments confer an indelible mark on your soul. No one can ever be un-baptized or re-baptized.

Ref: https://www.dummies.com/religion/christianity/catholicism/the-catholic-sacrament-of-baptism/




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According to Wikipedia,

Infant baptism[1][2] is the practice of baptising infants or young children. In theological discussions, the practice is sometimes referred to as paedobaptism, or pedobaptism, from the Greek pais meaning “child”. This can be contrasted with what is called “believer’s baptism“, or credobaptism, from the Latin word credo meaning “I believe”, which is the religious practice of baptising only individuals who personally confess faith in Jesus, therefore excluding underage children. Opposition to infant baptism is termed

catabaptism. Infant baptism is also called “christening” by some faith traditions.

Most Christians belong to denominations that practice infant baptism.[3] Denominational families that practise infant baptism include CatholicsEastern and Oriental OrthodoxAnglicansLutheransPresbyteriansCongregationals and other Reformed denominations, Methodists and some Nazarenes,[4] and the Moravian Church.

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Infant Baptism in the Orthodox Church…


What Is Expected Of You and What Are You To Do Next After having a BABY?

It is one thing to conceive a child or children and another to take care of a child or children in the way YAH (a.k.a GOD) designed when they are born.

As Christians or Messianic Jews, we are required to have high regard for the HOLY Biblical Scriptures. The Holy Bible is the main Symbol of our FAITH in YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and SHKINYINYAH GLORY GOD Almighty! It is not just for decoration and show off but rather to be read and followed closely.


According to the First Book of Adam and Eve, when Eve bore Adam their children, she always brought them to Adam to NAME! Adam always named them accordingly as led by RUACH HA KODESH.


After the very special NAMING CEREMONY, Eve went through a PERIOD OF PURIFICATION during which time, Adam did not go close to her. They did not have any sexual relations during her time of purification. This period usually comes about after a woman has given birth. It was ordained by YAH Almighty that the woman’s purification period is to be 40 days when a male child is brought forth and 80 days when a female child is brought forth. I am not sure what happens if one has twins who have a different sex. My guess is that the woman would be obliged to observe 80 days of PURIFICATION, thereby fulfilling the TORAH (YAH’S Instruction/Law).

From Adam and Eve’s time, it was passed down the generations what to do when a child is born to a family. The evil lineage from Adam which was headed by Cain did the opposite, for example, they eventually developed the idea of sacrificing babies to Molek or Molech (who really is Satan). King Nimrod engineered this idea as seen in the Book of Jasher. In fact, he nearly sacrificed Abraham in his infancy.


As the baby grows older, we are to try and tell plus read Bible Stories to him or her each day, making them understanding more about YAH and HIS Salvation plan for all mankind including them. We are also to pray with them thereby teaching them how to pray…as depicted in the Christian movie, “Pamela’s Prayer.”

Video: Pamela’s Prayer – Christian Movie (Trailer)

http://christianfilms.com/pamelas-pra… This period piece motion picture portrays the unique and heartfelt story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991. When her mother dies at birth, Pamela is raised by her father, Wayne. He makes a commitment to pray with his daughter each and every night. He also raises her with a very high standard of purity before marriage. In an age when purity is scoffed at by the world, and even in some Christian circles, this movie presents the message with inspiration and perspective. Also, the prayerful commitment of Wayne Bucklin is an example for all who are in a parental role. This movie has been seen in many countries around the world and has become a classic example for the beauty of…purity before marriage. (Produced by Dave Christiano Films in 1998) (ChristianFilms.com)




Video: Pamela’s Prayer

All of Pamela’s friends were dating. Pamela was not. And it seemed unfair that her father insisted on such a high standard of purity. Yes, it seemed unfair… until the day she married. Don’t miss this moving story of a prayerful father, an obedient daughter, and the wonderful sovereignty of God. This DVD includes Spanish. Approx. 57 minutes.

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Image result for baby dedication images in Jewish tradition


Image result for baby dedication images in Jewish tradition



The Roman Catholic Church stipulated that there some sacraments that every believer must take part in in order to be well recognised by both God and mankind as a believer in Jesus Christ.

The main ones are as follows:



particularly as an infant or child although sometimes it is done in later life for whatever reasons, such as to be able to get married. It has to be done in Greek culture particularly for those families who are very religious as well as in the British Royal Family.

The person being baptised usually has God-parents at the ceremony. These would be the people in charge of the person’s spiritual and physical well-being for the rest of the person’s life.

Even though the words baptism and christening are used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference. Christening refers to the naming ceremony (to “christen” means to “give a name to”) where as baptism is one of seven sacraments in the Catholic Church.

Ref: https://www.diffen.com/difference/Baptism_vs_Christening



As the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains: 1256. The ordinary ministers ofBaptism are the bishop and priest and, in the Latin Church, also the deacon. In case of necessity, anyone, even a non-baptized person, with the required intention,can baptize, by using the Trinitarian baptismal formula.



Every person being baptized must have a sponsor, traditionally called a godparent. You must have at least one sponsor, but usually infants get one of each gender and often from each side of the family.

The role of godparents has a very practical history. Godparents took over rearing children orphaned when their parents died prematurely. Today, being a godparent carries with it no legal right or ecclesiastical authority to the custody of children. Being a godparent, besides giving Christmas and birthday gifts every year, really means actively giving good Christian witness and example and being a role model and support by regularly and faithfully practicing the religion.

Ref: https://www.dummies.com/religion/christianity/catholicism/the-catholic-sacrament-of-baptism/






One would be required attend Confirmation Classes for some time after which a Priest lays hands on him/her, prays for him/her thereby giving permission to the Confirmation Candidate to be able to take part in Holy Communion.

This Ceremony is sort of like the Jewish Bar/Bat Mitzvah as it is claimed that responsibility is given to the believer from hence forth regarding their FAITH WALK OF YAH’S SALVATION and eternal destiny. The responsibility is taken off the parents in particular the father.

However, Confirmation and Bar/Bat Mitzvah are two totally different ceremonies. They are observed in totally different ways. With the Confirmation Ceremony, one is required to learn some liturgy, such as The Apostles’ Creed” and “Nicene Creed.”

With the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, the emphasis is on learning YAH’S WORD – TORAH and being able to read it in its original language – Hebrew. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Course develops the candidate in many ways spiritually as depicted in the movie called, “Sound of the Spirit.”


Video: Messianic Jewish Movie ‘Sound of the Spirit’

Interviews during screen tests of principle actors for the upcoming shoot of “The Sound of the Spirit”, a Michael Wolf film produced by Guy Camara of Kingdom Pictures




Once confirmed, one is then allowed to approach the Holy Communion Table during Holy Communion services.



One can not get married without having been baptised by sprinkling and confirmed in the Roman Catholic or Protestant/Angelican Church.


None of the above can be confirmed from anywhere in the Holy Scriptures.

It is all made up in an attempt to sell YAH’S SALVATION as well as other evil reasons, such as diverting mankind from receiving YAH’S Salvation as desired by YAH Almighty!



The best person to learn from in this matter is our ONE AND ONLY TRUE SAVIOUR/MESSIAH/LORD YAHUSHUA who came to earth in the human form to bring YAH’S SALVATION to mankind.

  • YAHUSHUA was born to Miryam (a.k.a Mary) and Joseph in Bethlehem part of the Land of Judah during the Feast of Sukkot 6 months after the  birth of John the Baptist.


  • YAHUSHUA was NAMED “YAHUSHUA” as per the instruction given to Miryam and Joseph by Angel Gabriel. This took place on the 8th day after his birth as per the custom in those days and to-date. Offering were made unto YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD as a form of Thanksgiving unto YAHUVEH GOD particularly for the first fruit of the womb.


  • YAHUSHUA was DEDICATED unto YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD Almighty by Simeon and Anna (a very old couple whom YAH had promised that they would behold YAH’S SALVATION before their passing on from this earth).


  • YAHUSHUA was BAPTISED BY IMMERSION IN WATER with the help and witness of John the Immerser (a.k.a The Baptist) who was also YAH’S “Elijah of New” at the time!


  • YAHUSHUA was then immediately BAPTISED BY RUACH HA KODESH with Yahuchanan/John the Immerser as the witness once again. During HIS Baptism, the clouds opened up, a DOVE (which is the main symbol of RUACH HA KODESH) came down and sat upon YAHUSHUA’S shoulder. YAHUVEH GOD Almighty then spoke from the Heavens confirming that YAHUSHUA is the SON OF YAHUVEH GOD Almighty in whom HE is well pleased.


From the above information, it is clear that there is no mention whatsoever of INFANT BAPTISM and later CONFIRMATION as SACRAMENTS that a Believer must observe.


YAHUSHUA clearly demonstrated how it should be.


If indeed we are his disciples and ambassadors then We are to follow in YAHUSHUA’S footsteps!