Exodus 3:14-15 (Complete Jewish Version CJB)

GOD said to Moshe, “ Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [I am/will be what I AM/WILL BE],” and added, “Here is what to say to the people of Isra’el: ‘ Ehyeh [I AM or I WILL BE] has sent me to you.’” GOD said further to Moshe, “Say this to the people of Isra’el: ‘ YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH [ ADONAI ], the GOD of your fathers, the GOD of Avraham, the GOD of Yitz’chak and the GOD of Ya‘akov, has sent me to you.’ This is MY NAME forever; this is how I AM to be remembered generation after generation. (v)

Sh’mot (Exo) 3:14‭-‬15 CJB


Exodus 3:14-15 New Living Translation NLT

GOD replied to Moses, “ I AM Who I AM . Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you.” GOD also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: YAHWEH, the GOD of your ancestors—the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac, and the GOD of Jacob—has sent me to you. This is MY ETERNAL NAME, MY NAME to remember for all generations.

Exodus 3:14‭-‬15 NLT

YAHUVEH = YAHWEH (very closely related as letter ‘u’ was often mistaken for letter ‘w’ and vice versa in the Hebrew in those days)

“GOD THE FATHER’S” symbol is that of an “Eagle” as revealed in the Holy Biblical Scriptures as well as Prophetically.

Holy Prophetic Revelations have come forth over the years confirming that “GOD THE FATHER” has a (spiritual) consort in the Shammayim/Heaven who has existed long before all things created. This is bewildering but true!

The (spiritual) CONSORT’S symbol is that of a “Dove”. There is a teaching on this under the header/title “Who is YAH/GOD?”

Sadly, over the years, GOD THE FATHER’S Name has been replaced with the name “HASHEM” (can be written as: “Ha Shem”) despite having YAH (a.k.a ELOHIM) Almighty’s WORD with us telling us HIS Name plus the importance of knowing and using it. “HASHEM” simply means: “THE NAME“. The Orthodox Jews and some Messianic Jews have decided that they only use GOD THE FATHER’S rightful name on Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement (The Holiest Day of the year)! This is not what YAH’S WORD tells us.

GOD THE FATHER has revealed through Moshe Ha Navi/Prophet Moses as recorded in the Holy Biblical Scriptures (Shemot/Exodus 3:14-15) that HIS name is:




This name has been translated as the following over the years:





In the Hebrew Language, which is the LANGUAGE OF CREATION, the word, “FATHER” is:




hence we call GOD THE FATHER – “ABBA”.

GOD THE FATHER has sent HOLY PROPHETIC WORDS through Apostle / Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu (Elisabeth Elijah) of AMIGHTYWIND MINISTRY in order to correct the mis-translations of HIS name.

GOD THE FATHER expects us to use HIS rightful name, “YAHUVEH” or “YAHWEH” as more recently revealed to us through HIS EliYAHU Ha Navi/Prophet Elijah of these end times. This helps to identify which ‘god’ exactly you are directing your prayers to.

The ‘gods’ of most, if not all religions have names. Why not the GOD of the Messianic Judaism/Christianity?

Let’s see Psalm 91:14

Psalm 91:14-16 Names of God Bible (NOG)

14 Because you love me, I will rescue you.

    I will protect you because you know MY NAME.

15 When you call to ME, I will answer you.
    I will be with you when you are in trouble.
    I will save you and honor you.
16 I will satisfy you with a long life.
    I will show you how I will save you.

We first hear GOD THE FATHER’S voice in Genesis 1  where HE says,

Genesis 1:26-28 Names of God Bible (NOG)

26 Then ELOHIM said, “Let US make humans in OUR IMAGE, in OUR LIKENESS. Let them rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the domestic animals all over the earth, and all the animals that crawl on the earth.”

27 So ELOHIM created humans in HIS IMAGE.
    In the IMAGE OF of ELOHIM he created them.
        HE created them male and female.

28 ELOHIM blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and be its master. Rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that crawl on the earth.”

Here, the three persons of the Holy Trinity GODHEAD (ABBA YAHUVEH,  YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and SHKINYINYAH GLORY) speak simultaneously.


is a Hebrew plural name for GOD!

The singular masculine name for GOD is:

“EL” (a.k.a “ELOI”).

The singular feminine name is:


Note that some people’s names in the  Holy Biblical Scriptures are written with:



“YAH” or “YAHU” (has sadly been replaced with “Ye”, “Yo”, etc over the years)

For example,


  • Isra’EL
  • Dani’EL
  • Jo’EL
  • Misha’EL
  • Yocheb’EL (can also be: “YAH’chov’EL)
  • Nathani’EL (that is Nathan), etc


  • YAH’ushua
  • Hoshe’YAH (that is, Hosea)
  • Malak’YAH (that is, Malachai)
  • MattitYAHU (that is, Matthew)
  • YAHuchanan (that is, John), etc

The short form of the name “YAHUVEH” is:


The name “YAH” is seen to appear in every one of the names of the members of the Holy Trinity GODHEAD:


YAH simply means GOD.

It is clear through the Holy Biblical Scriptures that mankind looks exactly like YAH (a.k.a ELOHIM) Almighty. GOD is three persons and yet one namely:


There is more information about this on our website.


We, mankind can have a relationship, that is a close relationship with all three persons of the HOLY TRINITY GODHEAD. This is what YAH demands for from and desires for us.

We have learned through YAH’S AMIGHTYWIND Ministry Prophecy 89 (SECRETS OF THE RUACH HA KODESH) and 90 (WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT / RUACH HA KODESH?) as well as the Book of Enoch and the BOOK OF THE SECRETS OF ENOCH that ABBA YAHUVEH existed before all things including YAHUSHUA and SHKINYINYAH GLORY existed. Then GOD THE FATHER formed SHKINYINYAH GLORY just like Eve / Chavvah was formed out of Adam. Proof of this is found in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 8.

Proverbs 8:22-36 Names of God Bible (NOG)

Wisdom as Creator

22 Yahweh already possessed me long ago,
    when his way began,
        before any of his works.
23 I was appointed from everlasting
    from the first,
        before the earth began.
24 I was born
    before there were oceans,
        before there were springs filled with water.
25 I was born
    before the mountains were settled in their places
        and before the hills,
26 when he had not yet made land or fields
    or the first dust of the world.

27 “When he set up the heavens, I was there.
    When he traced the horizon on the surface of the ocean,
28 when he established the skies above,
    when he determined the currents in the ocean,
29 when he set a limit for the sea
    so the waters would not overstep his command,
        when he traced the foundations of the earth,
30 I was beside him as a master craftsman.[a]
    I made him happy day after day,
        I rejoiced in front of him all the time,
31 found joy in his inhabited world,
    and delighted in the human race.

Wisdom as Lifegiver

32 “Now, sons, listen to me.
    Blessed are those who follow my ways.
33 Listen to discipline, and become wise.
    Do not leave my ways.
34 Blessed is the person who listens to me,
    watches at my door day after day,
        and waits by my doorposts.
35 Whoever finds me finds life
    and obtains favor from Yahweh.
36 Whoever sins against me harms himself.
    All those who hate me love death.”

Note that the whole concept started with YAH (that is, GOD the HOLY TRINITY in HEAVEN before it was done on earth hence:

Matthew 6:9-11 Names of God Bible (NOG)

“This is how you should pray:

Our Father in heaven,
    let your name be kept holy.
10 Let your kingdom come.
    Let your will be done on earth
        as it is done in heaven.
11 Give us our daily bread today.

YAHUSHUA was carried and birthed after that, that is to that as seen in John 3:16, YAHUSHUA was begotten of GOD . YAHUSHUA is therefore not the ‘Son of Man’ as written of in the HOLY SCRIPTURES!!! The phrase ‘Son of Man’ angers SHKINYINYAH GLORY / RUACH HA KODESH a lot when said as the HOLY SCRIPTURES were mis-translated.  YAHUSHUA was first and foremost born in HEAVEN to SHKINYINYAH GLORY and later born on EARTH to Miriam (a.k.a Mary).

John 3:16 New King James Version (NKJV)

16 For (YAHUVEH / YAHWEH) GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.

YAHUSHUA is the WORD that went forth to create all things after that.

John 1:1 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Eternal Word

In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with (YAH) GOD, and the WORD was (YAH) GOD.

ABBA YAHUVEH introduced HIMSELF to our PATRIARCHS in the FAITH, such as Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noach, Abrahm, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, etc. They all called GOD THE FATHER by HIS name. Note that ABBA YAHUVEH had to introduce HIMSELF to Moses because having been in the Land of Egypt a.k.a BONDAGE all those years, GOD’S name had been forgotten as they hardly had time to worship GOD.

Exodus 3:14-16 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

14 GOD said to Moshe, “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [I am/will be what I am/will be],” and added, “Here is what to say to the people of Isra’el: ‘Ehyeh [I Am or I Will Be] has sent me to you.’” 15 God said further to Moshe, “Say this to the people of Isra’el: ‘Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [Adonai], the God of your fathers, the God of Avraham, the God of Yitz’chak and the God of Ya‘akov, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever; this is how I am to be remembered generation after generation. (v) 16 Go, gather the leaders of Isra’el together, and say to them, ‘Adonai, the God of your fathers, the God of Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov, has appeared to me and said, “I have been paying close attention to you and have seen what is being done to you in Egypt;

Joshua 24:15 Names of God Bible (NOG)

15 But if you don’t want to serve Yahweh, then choose today whom you will serve. Even if you choose the gods your ancestors served on the other side of the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live, my family and I will still serve Yahweh.”

Prophet Elijah (Eliyahu, in Hebrew) knew his GOD’S name  especially GOD THE FATHER’S name!

1 Kings 18:24 Names of God Bible (NOG)

24 “You call on the name of your gods, but I will call on the name of Yahweh. The god who answers by fire is the real Elohim.”

All the people answered, “That’s fine.”

Elijah’s name means that YAHUVEH / YAHWEH is my GOD. Elijah lived up to the meaning of his name as seen in the following scripture:

1 Kings 18:38-39 Names of God Bible (NOG)

38 So a fire from Yahweh fell down and consumed the burnt offering, wood, stones, and dirt. The fire even dried up the water that was in the trench. 39 All the people saw it and immediately bowed down to the ground. “Yahweh is Elohim!” they said. “Yahweh is Elohim!”

Enoch (Book of Enoch), Prophet Isaiah (Book of Isaiah, Chapter 6), Prophet Daniel (Book of Daniel) and Prophet John (Book of Revelation) amongst others saw GOD THE FATHER in VISIONS.

Isaiah 6 Names of God Bible (NOG)

Isaiah Is Sent with a Message for the Lord’s People

In the year King Uzziah died, I saw Adonay sitting on a high and lofty throne. The bottom of his robe filled the temple. Angels[a] were standing above him. Each had six wings: With two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. They called to each other and said,

“Holy, holy, holy is Yahweh Tsebaoth!
    The whole earth is filled with his glory.”

Their voices shook the foundations of the doorposts, and the temple filled with smoke.

So I said, “Oh, no!

I’m doomed.
    Every word that passes through my lips is sinful.
        I live among people with sinful lips.
            I have seen the MelekYahweh Tsebaoth!”

Then one of the angels flew to me. In his hand was a burning coal that he had taken from the altar with tongs. He touched my mouth with it and said, “This has touched your lips. Your guilt has been taken away, and your sin has been forgiven.”

Then I heard the voice of Adonay, saying, “Whom will I send? Who will go for us?”

I said, “Here I am. Send me!”

And he said, “Go and tell these people,

‘No matter how closely you listen, you’ll never understand.
    No matter how closely you look, you’ll never see.’
10 Make these people close-minded.
    Plug their ears.
        Shut their eyes.
            Otherwise, they may see with their eyes,
        hear with their ears,
    understand with their minds,
        and return and be healed.”

11 I asked, “How long, O Adonay?”

And he replied,

“Until the cities lie in ruins with no one living in them,
    the houses have no people,
        and the land is completely desolate.
12 Yahweh will send his people far away,
    and a large area in the middle of the land will be abandoned.
13 Even if one out of ten people is left in it,
    the land will be burned again.
        When a sacred oak or an oak is cut down, a stump is left.
            The holy seed will be the land’s stump.”

When PRAYING as advised and taught by YAHUSHUA while HE was on earth, we are to pray to ABBA YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA (HIS SON)’s Name with the help and guidance of SHKINYINYAH GLORY / RUACH HA KODESH / IMMAYAH (who is our HEAVENLY MOTHER, COMFORTER, WISDOM, etc as well as GOD THE FATHER’S WIFE). So you see that we need all three persons of the HOLY TRINITY GODHEAD in order to have our prayers answered as well as to make it to HEAVEN!

ABBA YAHUVEH has the FINAL SAY in everything. YAHUSHUA and SHKINYINYAH GLORY can plead with ABBA YAHUVEH on our behalf but ABBA YAHUVEH has the FINAL SAY!

Matthew 6:5-15 Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Lord’s Prayer

“When you pray, don’t be like hypocrites. They like to stand in synagogues and on street corners to pray so that everyone can see them. I can guarantee this truth: That will be their only reward. When you pray, go to your room and close the door. Pray privately to your Father who is with you. Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you.

“When you pray, don’t ramble like heathens who think they’ll be heard if they talk a lot. Don’t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

“This is how you should pray:

Our Father in heaven,
    let your name be kept holy.
10 Let your kingdom come.
    Let your will be done on earth
        as it is done in heaven.
11 Give us our daily bread today.
12 Forgive us as we forgive others.
13 Don’t allow us to be tempted.
    Instead, rescue us from the evil one.[a]

14 “If you forgive the failures of others, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failures.

When it is said in the HOLY SCRIPTURES that “THE LORD’S DAY”, this means “YAHUVEH’S DAY”. This refers to  the SEVENTH DAY, DAY OF REST which is known as  SHABBAT / SABBATH. It also refers to the GREAT TRIBULATION as YAHUVEH / YAHWEH will finally have pass judgement to HIS enemies on this earth for all their wickedness.

Revelation 1:10-12 King James Version (KJV)

10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

Psalm 118:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

24 This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

YAHUSHUA rose on the “THE LORD’S DAY” (towards its end)!

Matthew 28J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)

The first Lord’s day: Jesus rises

28 1-7 When the Sabbath was over, just as the first day of the week was dawning Mary from Magdala and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. At that moment there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven, went forward and rolled back the stone and took his seat upon it. His appearance was dazzling like lightning and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook with terror at the sight of him and collapsed like dead men. But the angel spoke to the women, “Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here—he is risen, just as he said he would. Come and look at the place where he was lying. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead. And, listen, he goes before you into Galilee! You will see him there! Now I have told you my message.”

Then the women went away quickly from the tomb, their hearts filled with awe and great joy, and ran to give the news to his disciples.

ABBA YAHUVEH is the most fierce person of the three persons of the HOLY TRINITY GODHEAD but also the most loving as HE loved us so very much that HE sacrificed HIS OWN BEGOTTEN SON to be crucified as a LAMB so that we, mankind can be reconciled unto HIM plus have a chance of returning to HEAVEN for eternity.

No man can look into GOD THE FATHER YAHUVEH’S face clearly unless HE permits them to because HIS GLORY and LIGHT is unbearable particularly for the human flesh. This is shown throughout the Holy Biblical Scriptures.

….More important information to be added soon…